Ludmila Padrtová (1931–2016) created abstract compositions from the mid-1950s
and was hidden then and is little known today. This is despite the fact that she was,
together with Vladimír Boudník the first to work on abstraction in Czechoslovakia
at a time when it was not allowed to be created, let alone not exhibited. Yet she was
more mature in abstraction than Boudník was at the time. Moreover, she was a woman,
which meant she was overlooked by male artists, critics and even friends. And she didn't
dare to ask to assert herself in any way. Since her inspiration came from nature, she worked
with paint, which was rejected by young artists at the time. Today, she is one of the most
profiled artists of her age, despite the fact that she is still only known to an audience that
understands and admires abstract art, wherever it was created. In Western Europe, every
artist who was working in the 1950s abstraction was appreciated and is now well known,
but if it was a woman, she is considered everywhere art historical treasure that is
properly valued, exhibited and celebrated.